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anxious saying and quotes

On edge Sayings and Quotes

Underneath you will discover our accumulation of persuasive, astute, and clever old on edge cites, on edge expressions, and on edge precepts, gathered throughout the years from an assortment of sources.


Stress is a habit that meddles with empathy.

Deng Ming-Dao


Standard number one is, don't perspire the little stuff. Guideline number two is, it's everything little stuff.

Robert Eliot


On the off chance that stressing were an Olympic game, you'd get the gold without a doubt.

Stephenie Geist


We are on edge even with our unchangeable past; we long to reproduce sections of our private accounts, however we are left with them.

Lewis B. Smedes


In the event that you need to vanquish the uneasiness of life, live at the time, live in the breath.

Amit Ray


Uneasiness is a slight stream of dread streaming through the brain. Whenever empowered, it cuts a channel into which every single other idea are depleted.

Arthur Somers Roche


Nervousness is the discombobulation of opportunity.

Sã¸ren Kierkegaard


Nervousness is the handmaiden of contemporary aspiration.

Alain De Botton


The mind that is restless about what's to come is hopeless.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca


Tension resembles an armchair. It gives you something to do, however it doesn't get you extremely far.

Jodi Picoult


Try not to be pushed by your issues. Be driven by your fantasies.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


What lies behind us and what lies before us are little issues contrasted with what exists in us.

Henry S. Haskins


Be not terrified of life. Accept that life merits living, and your conviction will help make the reality.

William James


Stress ducks when reason flies overhead.

Terri Guillemets


Our uneasiness doesn't void tomorrow of its distresses, however just discharges today of its qualities.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon


The man who moves a mountain starts via diverting little stones.



A delight a day fends off pressure.

Ethel Roskies


The craving to disturb nobody, to hurt nobody, can similarly well be the indication of a similarly starting at an on edge mien.

Friedrich Nietzsche


When contemplating life, recollect this; No measure of blame can explain the past and no measure of tension or stress can change what's to come.



Confide in yourself. You've endure a great deal, and you'll endure whatever is coming.

Robert Tew


Try not to be restless about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be on edge for itself. Give the day's very own issue a chance to be adequate for the afternoon.

Jesus Christ


Whoever has figured out how to be on edge in the correct manner has taken in a definitive.

Sã¸ren Kierkegaard


Continue strolling through the tempest. Your rainbow is looking out for the opposite side.

Heather Stillufsen


Stress, uncertainty, dread and hopelessness are the adversaries which gradually bring us to the cold earth and go us to clean before we bite the dust.

Douglas Macarthur


Stress never denies tomorrow of its distress, it just saps today of its euphoria.

Leo Buscaglia


You should figure out how to give up. Discharge the pressure. You were never in charge at any rate.

Steve Maraboli


A negative personality will never give a constructive life.

Ziad K. Abdelnour


Nothing can bring you harmony except for yourself.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Sudden graciousness is the most dominant, least expensive, and most misjudged specialist of human change.

Bounce Kerrey


The best error you can make in life is to be persistently dreading you will make one.



  1. Thanks for providing useful links to us. I check some of them. I must say good collection you have got.
    Dhruvi Parmar


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